24 June 2009

Meow Meow Purr Purr

Let me just say, for the record, I love my cat.

No, scratch that.

I love my cats. And my dog, the poor old man.

You know those weird people who go on and on and on about their pets? About how intuitive they are or how smart they are or how they 'have a sixth sense about ____!' or some other random tidbit of information? I sometimes fall into that category, but more or less, I laugh at my pets. Like they were a person.

For instance, my one cat, Teddy, is obese. Despite all attempts at helping him shed those kitty pounds, nothing seems to work. We've put him on Indoor Cat diets, put him food for non-active, yet still frisky, felines. Still, when he jumps from the back of the couch to the floor, he walks three steps and then realizes how tired he is and how much work he put into moving, and lays back down, belly sprawling onto the floor.

I couldn't even make this up.

Besides his weight problems (he's "big boned" and has a "thyroid condition"), he's missing one of his fangs. I think it's the left one. I remember finding a small tooth on the ground, but thought that maybe cats were like people - they lost their kitten teeth to make way for the cat teeth.

I was wrong.

There was never another tooth behind it to replace the one that I'd found tangled in the fibers of the carpet. He lost a tooth. I'm not sure how, but he lost one. But! His lack of left-fang provides me with endless entertainment. How? His lip gets stuck and so it looks like he's sneering. Or smelling a particularly pungent pile of crap. Or like an old guy whose mouth is a tad dry and didn't remember his dentures.

Case in point:

He looks remotely like Elvis. Something about his whiskers reminds me of the Jamie Hyneman walrus:

(Still cracks me up, by the way).

What was the point of this post? Oh, right .. those weird people who go on and on about their pets ..

Did I ever tell you about the time my blind, diabetic dog tried to hump my other cat? And she walked away? And he kept humping because he's blind?

- May (you find the humor in the small things)

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