20 July 2009

Water, Water Everywhere

So, I bought this card when I was visiting Meg last summer at the Cape. I liked the simplistic art, the bright colors, and the typewriter-text font used. But I never really understood it. No, let me rephrase that. I understood it. But I never really got it. Catch my drift?

Anyway, if you can't read the text, it says, "She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful & life was so short." Looking at the card I have, it's actually a different illustration than the one in the picture -- it's a woman sitting with a growing plant in her hands, her tears a dotted-line that's watering it to grow. While I like this other version, I'm partial to the one I have on my wall.

There's something beautiful in that -- she's crying because the world is so beautiful and life is so short, and by allowing herself to be overwhelmed by these emotions, she's replenishing the very world she's come to love and appreciate through her tears. I hope to do this every day -- to be so overcome with emotion at seeing the majesty of this world that I'm moved to tears, so much so that I will water the earth I've come to adore with those very tears.

I actually had this moment not too long ago. On Saturday, after getting my hair done and getting my tattoo, I was driving home from the tattoo parlor and I literally started welling up with tears. I wasn't sad, I wasn't upset -- I was so moved by the amount of wonderful things in my life, that I could do nothing but cry.

I not only had begun this new journey of my life with his new, positive outlook, I was surrounded by people I love and care about. My brother and I spent the day together, something that doesn't happen all that often where it's just the two of us. We hung out, he fixed the a/c in my car, and took me to get my tattoo done. I was so grateful to just have him as my older brother and to have been able to share that momentous moment with him that I cried. I was so grateful to have the job and resulting paycheck to pay for the tattoo and hair that I cried. I was so grateful to have my mom supporting both of those decisions and to have my family supporting my new life that I cried.

Immediately, I felt like the woman on the card.

The world is so beautiful
And life is so short.

I will never forget these moments. I will keep them with me for the rest of this short, amazing, wondrous life. I hope you have that moment where your heart is so full that it has no other way to overflow than to make you cry tears of absolute joy. It's an experience unlike anything I've ever felt before.

- May (you live a beautiful life).

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