06 August 2009

on the eve

Also posted in Pen and Paper Addicts

When you breathe, you inhale and exhale,
but every single time you do that,
you're a little bit different than the one before.
and it's important to know that there are some changes
you can't control and there are others you can.

-- Taken from here.

one breath enters while another runs away,
screaming that it's not ready to fly.
can't you feel the impending revolution?
the drums beat from within your ivory cage.
marching, marching ... they are coming.

don't you feel the invasion?
it plunders and pillages on a molecular level.
organ by organ,
vein by vein.
until you have cavalries spilling from your teeth.

you canonot stop them;
you are no Fort Knox.

one breath enters while another runs away,
clinging to the battle cries of its predecessor.
"i am not ready!
you cannot make me go!"

they are here,
ready to overthrow the imaginary tyrant
you think you have become and always been.
but illusions no more.
your dream is well beyond its expiration date.
lay down your invisible sword and intangible shield.
they can no longer serve you
as you can no longer serve yourself.

don't you feel the invasion?


  1. did you write this? it's very, very good! i liked it a lot.

  2. I did write it! I was inspired by the quote in bold at the top. That's what I ended up scribbling in my Moleskine. :) Glad you enjoyed!
