18 April 2009

Dreaming a Dream.

I had a weird thought today.

It was a shared thought with a friend who's visiting for the next two days. We started talking about that woman on "Britain's Got Talent," the one who's practically taking the world by storm. I mean, Oprah wanted to interview her -- you know you're big when Oprah's requesting you to be on her show.

Anyway, I later Youtubed the clip because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

The thought that I had was how much weight we put into appearances.

Now, don't get me wrong -- I can appreciate an aesthetically pleasing person as much as the next woman or man. I have no qualms with admitting that I've got massive girl-crushes on the likes of Angelina Jolie and Natalie Portman. I also have no issues with revealing my daydreams involving Gerard Butler and/or Adam Levine, purely based on the fact that I think they're gorgeous.

But when does that kind of behavior and thinking have to stop?

I think that Susan Boyle's audition shows that boundary. She walks on stage, very unassuming. The audience rolls their eyes when Simon asks her what she wants to do and she says that she wants to be a professional singer. The girls with too much eyeliner and artificially-straightened hair scoff at seeing this woman with a pepper-colored mini afro, thick eyebrows, and a figure that would never be allowed on a runway wiggle her hips awkwardly.

What the hell?

How do those girls somehow have the right deem this woman "less than worthy" of .. whatever it is she deserves, not only as a woman with extreme talent, but simply as a human? How does altering one's appearance to be unnatural in a lot of ways mean that one is better than someone who really doesn't care about that kind of thing? If anything, shouldn't that kind of beavior mean that one is even further from that authoritative role?

I think there's a real need for change, not just in the US but in other places, too. We should be judged by what we do -- do we help the old lady across the street? Do we laugh at someone who is different from us? Do we try and leave this earth a little better than how we entered? -- and not by how we look.

But I'm glad that everyone got a dose of their own medicine at that taping of BGT.

Maybe people are just jealous. Heck, I know that I'm jealous of that's woman's ability to sing "I Dreamed a Dream." Lord knows that I've tried (yes, I do have a karaoke verison of the song) and try as I might, I don't sound even a quarter as good as her. And if I did?

I'd be damn lucky.

-- May (you be happy).

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