21 April 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

I was randomly thinking about some childhood songs I used to sing without really understanding. One of them was "Alouette," which .. as it turns out .. is kind of a mean song. Alouette, in French, means Lark. Like the bird. And the French songs talks about plucking feathers from the poor bird's body!

Don't ask why I was thinking about this song or why it suddenly dawned on me that it's some inadvertent way to promote ripping feathers out of a poor bird's body. I mean, I obviously didn't know that when I was a kid -- I just thought that I sounded cool and bilingual, singing songs in French. Add on Frere Jacques and heck, I could work for the United Nations .. so long as they sang in rhymes and catchy melodies.

And also stuck to those two songs.

Maybe this is what dreary, rainy weather does to people because you can't do anything else, like .. hiking. Or sun bathing. Or .. any number of other activities which require sunlight and warm temperatures. Like calculating how strong UV rays are.

In case you don't remember the song, the Wikipedia entry is here.

Oh, I also found something funny in Googling pictures for my thesis presentation.

Okay, so the premise is funny. To an extent. The file title is called "Why Most Men are Republican." First of it, there are plenty of men who aren't Republican (and if you're one of them, please feel free to send me a message). Second, since when are credentials based solely on a person's looks?

I think that Miss South Carolina pretty much proves that just because you're physically attractive does not you're a full set of Chef Tony's Miracle Blade knives. Maybe they forgot the Rock n' Chop at the warehouse or something. Or maybe she was that piece of the boot that he cut up and forgot to throw in the trash.

Anyway. It just made think of sexism. Because hello, it's overly blatant in this situation. I couldn't find any similar images with men, because women are the only ones who are judged based on appearances -- at least in most circumstances. So, because the creator of this wonderful little image carefully chose the most attractive Republicans and the least attractive Democrats, that somehow proves their value and their ability to think clearly and make rational decisions. Just because they're aesthetically pleasing.

But if we're going to play that nasty, dirty game, must I remind the image creator of Shirley Phelps-Roper?

One of THE MOST conservative, Republican people in the whole freakin' universe?

Don't play that game with me, you random Republican person with too much time on your hands who should have his/her internet taken away so you can no longer do Google image searches! You're going to lose!

- May (you find the strength within yourself).

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