20 April 2009

Om Nom Nom Nom

I wish that I could chomp down and swallow up NOM (the National Organization for Marriage).

I wish that I could take all of the hateful people in the world and just .. let them secede from the rest of the earth.

I wish that people could simply be who they are, be who they want to be without fear of judgment.

The reason for this post is because of the ridiculous ad that the National Organization for Marriage came out with not too long ago. It's called "The Gathering Storm," and it's fueled by the lack of support for Gay Marriage. PS - If you're like me, you may suffer a stroke, heart attack, leprosy, enlarged duodenum, or other uncomfortable/deadly ailment from watching that. I was pretty sure I had a seizure following that video. A large, leggy creature was also crawling its way across my desk, unbeknownst to me -- a sign of a plague, I'm sure, except it's the Plague of Hatred.

And look, I understand that not everyone is in support of the movement. I get that. I can respect that (though barely). But the arguments given, particularly the ones in this video, are laughable, at best.

If anyone can figure out what kind of job the Californian doctor has where she would have to choose between her job and her faith, please share with the rest of the class. My room mates and I couldn't figure it out. I'm sure there was .. actually, you know what, no. I don't think there was anything logical in the entire commercial.

Except for that rainbow coalition they mention at the end. Which I found to be rather ironic. A rainbow, huh? Are you sure you're not just a bunch of closet homosexuals?

There was a study done, actually, where scientists took two groups of men (one was homophobic, the other wasn't) and studied them to see if they had any kind of sexual response to homo-errotic stimuli. They would measure the circumference of a participant's penis before showing pictures or videos of homosexual people (I think it was both women and men), and then measured the circumference again. The ones who were the most homophobic had the greatest increase in measurement, meaning more bloodflow to the penis, meaning .. they were sexually aroused.

It just goes to prove the old addage: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Except in this case, instead of lady, it's homophobic idiot.

May (you feel love).

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