16 April 2009

Trying my heartest .. Get it? Didja?

Good news, New Yorkers! Well .. for the LBGT ones and for the ones who support the LBGT community, like this wee Asian girl does.

Gov. Paterson said yesterday (Thursday, April 16th, in case you've got selective amnesia like me) that he's going to introduce a bill to legalize same-sex marriage!

I think I just heard a part of the earth explode with cheers, dancing, maybe some confetti. No, it's okay. Take your time. I'll still be here when you're done. In fact, I'm going to join you in the confetti-dancing because this is great news!

It's about damn time, don't you think? After seeing what happened in California (boo to you, my West Coast Brother), I'm glad New York is trying to take a step in the right direction. Don't get your underoos all in a twist if you don't agree with it. I don't want to hear all of those excuses like it "takes away from the sacred institute of marriage." Since when has marriage really been sacred? Since Vegas opened up those 24-hour chapels for people to get hitched? Since the 1950's when girls who got pregnant out of wedlock were forced to get married to the guy she probably never wanted to see again? Since Britney Spears had a 55-hour marriage while in a drunken and idiotic stupor?

Don't tell me about the "sanctity of marriage" when straight people (and I'm included in this category, so I'm allowed to talk about it!) go and defile it all the time. While religious meaning of marriage would be great for the LGBT community, the focus for this is on the legal meaning -- thousands upon thousands of Federal rights that married couples take for granted. Seriously. Look it up. I'm not lying.

For all of those who say that two people of the same sex can't get married because marriage and the subsequent sexual relations that occur are unnatural, please kindly find a bridge and jump. You know what's unnatural? Trying to restrict and impede upon another person's rights. Or trying to interfere with someone's life that really, really doesn't affect you at all. If LGBT people get married, the world isn't going to blow up in some fiery apocalypse -- we're already halfway there thanks to a man called George W. Bush and his greed for oil and money and power. If anything? Allowing LGBT marriage will save us from the raging fires of destruction.

When love is shared and felt and spread and given and taken, you just get it. And somehow, things are a little brighter .. the world's a little better .. and you're smiling a little wider.

Besides, karma's a bitch, and it doesn't like when you keep sending its Negative-Nancy-sister to people who haven't harmed you in the least. So stop it with the negative attitudes and energies!

Anyway .. for all of those who actually like the idea of celebrating in love who are currently in New York? Let's make it happen. Let's show our support in every way we possibly can.

You've got to spread love to get love.

May (you find peace).